We started Bace because we believe Hemp extract (containing CBD + other phytonutrients) has the potential to be a reliable, natural aide to help regulate stress, sleep, and pain (due to its interaction with the human endocannabinoid system).

When we first set out to create a consumer-centric Hemp company, we spoke with over a hundred individuals to better understand their needs. We were focused on understanding the barriers to positive outcomes when using Hemp products.

The Problem

After hands-on research, we focused on a single point in the customer journey which seemed to be flawed — using Hemp for the first time.

On-boarding to Hemp has some major challenges:

  1. Consumers need a safe product — this should be table-stakes but is not in the nascent Hemp industry
  2. Consumers need guidance —Hemp is not one size fits all. Different individuals require different strength extracts.

We set out to design a new solution that checked these boxes, providing consumers with a simple zero-to-one solution for using Hemp.

The Solution

Building a Supply Chain

Establishing a supply chain to deliver on our standards of safety, efficacy, sustainability, and collaboration was no easy task. We traveled around the country meeting with potential partners, often ending meetings early due to a clear lack of fit.

Eventually, we developed a network based on a shared mission of hemp for good — folks were willing to work with us in a more collaborative way in order to deliver on our promise to consumers. Across seed genetics, farming, and extraction, we had an A-team ready to deliver on our rigorous standards.

We developed a range of Hemp extract capsules using a gentle, natural extraction process to maintain the valuable phytonutrients within the plant. We developed close relationships with third party testing labs, to run independent tests for potency and contaminants.

All checked out — we finally had a great product.

Designing an Experience

With a quality product in hand, we focused our attention on building a better experience.

We built up our network of clinicians, researchers, and consumers in order to better understand the ideal experience when using Hemp. We recognized a large barrier for consumers new to the category — understanding how Hemp works at different strengths is a major pain point. The standard guidance from doctors is titration, which means to follow a gradual dosing method — in layman’s terms: “start low, go slow”.

We decided to take this guidance and put it in a box. As such, the Discovery Pack concept was born.

Putting it in a Box

The Discovery Pack aims to simulate a doctor-recommended protocol for consumers new to Hemp. Each day, individuals are provided with a suggested strength of Hemp extract and a journal to record outcomes. In one week, individuals get a sense of how Hemp works.

Before investing in packaging and design — we mocked up an MVP and tested with over 50 users. We recorded their feedback, and we felt satisfied with the results — over 85% of individuals found the experience to provide clarity on how Hemp works for them! More surprising, we found that individuals changed the way they thought about Hemp. Rather than viewing Hemp as a “magic pill”, they recognized Hemp as a valuable tool, which had many potential uses. We created our second product, Duos, to serve consumers that desire flexibility in strength.

Then, we moved to production. We took the MVP concept and developed a consumer packaged goods product, containing all of the components.

The Discovery Pack provides consumers new to the Hemp category with a one-week, guided experience to measure the impact of Hemp.

The Future is Bright

For us, this is just the beginning of our journey. Our mission is to close the care gap in cannabis, and we’ll continue to execute with this North Star in mind.